Backbeat Software

SaltStack Services

Our server management and orchestration tool of choice is SaltStack. We think it far outshines the competition, and would be delighted to show you why.

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Your guide to reliable servers

Configuration management

SaltStack is the stand out tool for managing servers, but the list of features can be overwhelming. We'll help you find a pragmatic subset that works for your purposes with no surprises. Let's get your servers provisioned quickly, efficiently, and with minimum fuss.


With its event driven architecture, salt-cloud, and salt-api, Salt is great for automating all kinds of cloud workflows. Easily manage servers, load balancers, external storage, and other cloud resources in perfect unison. We'll show you pragmatic ways to go from zero to fully provisioned, and where best to leverage tools like Terraform instead.

Automated deployments

Not all applications can (or should) run in Docker containers with Kubernetes or Nomad. Sometimes it's best to run your application on VMs or bare metal. However, deployments need to be coordinated, integrate with load balancers, handle database migrations, and avoid downtime - we've used Salt for this with great results.

Version upgrades

Upgrading Salt can be scary and involve downtime. We can help with as little pain as possible! Don't be stuck with hundreds of disconnected minions after an upgrade went wrong.

Bespoke modules

Salt has a lot of state and execution modules, but sometime you need a custom integration that works just right. We're on hand to write custom Python code for anything you need.

Python 2 to 3

Python 2 reached end of life on January 1st 2020, and Salt dropped support in its Sodium release. If you're on older SaltStack versions, upgrading to Python 3 can be tricky. We'd be happy to help you upgrade with minimum downtime.

Migrate from Puppet, Chef, and Ansible

Looking to move your servers to SaltStack? We'll help you plan and execute the migration without setting a pager off.

Supercharge your SaltStack environment

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